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Do You Accept The Whole Counsel Of God?

"For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God." Apostle Paul

· Messianic

The Entire Testimony Is Powerful

I was standing in line to get into prison. Wait! It was a visitation line. Just clarifying. I ended up meeting the mother of one of the inmates in my study group.

It was a joy to meet her. She has donated items to our group. It is a blessing when you see a family member keeping in touch. She asked me what books I was bringing in. I don't remember what the devotional book was, but the other was the Bible. She said, "Oh, I didn't know you teach on the whole Bible."

Apparently, she was under the impression that we (Messianics) only read the Tanakh (Old Testament). While that was all the disciples and their followers had, I must say, we have more. We receive the additional benefit of, what I like to call, the Second Testimony Scriptures.

That's what we use at One In Messiah - the whole thing. One Father, One Son, One Spirit, One Bible.

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It is so important to incline our ear toward ALL of His counsel. I like the way the HCSB phrases that verse, "for I did not shrink back from declaring to you the whole plan of God." - Acts 20:27

One thing I do see a lot in Prisons is the New Testament by itself. I have known many people who pretty much carry those around and they have circumcised the first 2/3 of the Book.

Here's what happens when you are faithful to diligently study the Old Testament scriptures. You hear the words again in the New Testament. If you missed the Genesis, you will likely misunderstand the Matthew.

Three chapters a day is about all it takes to make it through the whole Bible in a year. You can start fresh any day. You don't have to wait for January 1, or Simchat Torah to come around.